Captain Jared Yuill / Lafayette, Indiana Rogue Recon Co-Owner

Training Record | Personal

Rogue Recon Scout Training Record

Skill Level I: Basic

Phase Alpha: Rifle
1. Learn how to maintain your marker Completed
2. Perform a functions check Completed
3. Load the marker correctly Completed
4. Unload the marker correctly Completed
5. Correct a weapon malfunction Completed
6. Grouping and zeroing Incomplete
7. B.R.M. 40 targets Incomplete

Phase Bravo: Field Preperations
1. Camoflauge yourself and your equipment Incomplete
2. Camoflauge your defensive position Incomplete
3. Select temporary fighting position Incomplete
4. Use challange and password Completed
5. Report enemy information Completed

Phase Charlie: I.T.T. , S.T.T. , R.O.E.
1. Individual Tactical Training Incomplete
2. Squad Tactical TrainingIncomplete
3. Rules Of Engagement Completed

Skill Level II: Advanced

Phase Alpha: Radio
1. Proper radio communications Incomplete
2. Sending and receiving enemy contact info Incomplete

Phase Bravo: Grenades and Flares
1. Employ Tippman grenade Completed
2. Employ Flare gun Incomplete
3. Employ Anti-N.O.D. Strobes Completed
4. Employ Smoke Grenade Completed

Phase Charlie: Remote and Tripwire devices
1. Employ and recover M-376P Anti-Personnel Mine Incomplete
2. Employ and recover Motion sensor Incomplete
3. Employ and recover tripwire alarm Completed
4. Employ and recover tripwire flares Incomplete

Phase Delta: Rifle
1. A.R.M. 40 targets Incomplete

Phase Echo: Maps
1. Read and understand Topographical maps Completed
2. Use grid coordinants Completed
3. Compare Topo with SatIm for attack coordination Completed

Phase Foxtrot: Indirect Fire Support
1. Preparing M-86 Morter or M-8265 Howitzer for firing Incomplete
2. Restoring M-86 Morter or M-8265 Howitzer for movement Incomplete
3. Perform Misfire procedures for M-86 Morter/M-8265 Howitzer Incomplete
4. Perform range check and angle calculations for M-86/M-8265 Incomplete
5. Fire M-86/M-8265 Incomplete

Skill Level III: Recon Specialist

Phase Alpha: Stelth Incomplete

Phase Bravo: Radio Reconnossaince Incomplete

Phase Bravo: Electronic Bugging Devices Incomplete

Phase Charlie: Camara usage for reconnosaince Incomplete

Skill Level IV: Sniper Specialist

Phase Alpha: Advanced Stelth Techs Incomplete

Phase Bravo: Advanced Targeting Incomplete

Phase Charlie: Cover and concealment qualification Incomplete

Skill Level V: Squad Command(Sergeant)

Command 1-5 soildiers Completed

Skill Level VI: Platoon Command(Captain)

Command a team Completed

Skill Level VII: Company Command(Major)

Oversee two teams Incomplete

Skill Level VIII: Battalion Command(Lt. Colonel)

Oversee two Majors Un-Availiable

Skill Level IX: Regiment Command(Colonel)

Oversee two Lt. Colonels Un-Availiable

Skill Level X: Rogue Recon Command(General)

Oversee two Colonels Un-Availiable